Another additional member to the family
Just woke up from my usual post-work sleep cycle that goes with a call center job. I noticed a text message from my brother. It goes like this: "cody john ladia ambrosio was born @ 8:46am may 26, weighs 5.92 lbs at 18.5 inches"
My brain, fogged from waking up, takes a bit to register and then hits me. The Ambrosio clan and my brother's family get an additional member. The peripheral import goes to me that being a uncle would be another descriptor to my person.
The thought of being a uncle in the long run, means I have to provide some support to relatives within the immediate circle as network support goes for relatives.
For the meantime being the odd, in-between jobs uncle would have to do until something puts me in a more comfortable position. I welcome Cody John Ladia Ambrosio to the family and this reality we live in. ^_^