Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Creative Consultation

Last Sunday, I went to pick up my copy of Livewires #4, though my brother's Lions, Tigers and Bears #4 is out of copies. Asked shop owner and friend Vinnie to get a copy for my bro. After the matter of comic pickup settled. Me and Vinnie had a talk about creative matters. I started off using the topic of blog entries and updates as a starter item before graduating to the main concern.

As to the blog matter, it was explained as to the agenda that goes into the blog, that can either be like personal journal when you feel like saying something when you do so or have something to say or as a regular routine since one's readership is expected or a mixed proportion of both which depends on what one wants to showcase on their blog. This was a lead-in item to go into the matter of creativity.

It was a matter of tapping into the creative well so to say. Creativity, even though a non-physical attribute, needs to be exercised and practiced like any muscle or skill to maintain or improve performance. Creativity needs an agenda in it as well, which defines the stakes involved as well as the level to be set in order to be met or exceeded. This would determine whether the so-called magic projectile would come into play.

I mentioned to Vinnie a number of projects I have planned after getting away from the call center for good: researching material for a RPG campaign, a personal attempt at writing a story with familiar characters and possibly other unattended stuff. Vinnie did raise some valid points about permission requested as to character use issues. In that case, I can work around the gaps since some people that needs to be contacted regarding that are hard to contact or keep in touch with. I can create some new characters to fill the gaps anyway.

That session turned out insightful as to the matter of creative endeavors. I still have a ways to go in doing creative planning and moreso the execution of it. More next time.


At 12:26 AM, Blogger Vin said...

Hiya Marc, good to see your comment script up and running again.
Good luck with your writing! :)


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