Monday, January 12, 2004

Slow Day, Sort of....

Monday was just a slow day like Sunday yesterday. Napped the whole afternoon. Just had 30-45 minute session on my PS2 to try my mettle at playing Fatal Frame II, after holding it off for a bit. I did play a bit of it yesterday for like 30 minutes before losing my nerve and what I would think as maximum exposure time. Playing the game pretty sets you on edge after turning off the PS2 and setting down the controller for sure. Makes one antsy when you walk in a dark hall or dark area of the house. Me and my niece would holler or scream whenever a ghost battle occurs in the game. These ghostly encounters in the game pop out without some slight measure of warning compared to the earlier Fatal Frame game. Some of the non-combat picture taking in the game can be freaky with the kind of ghostly apparations caught on film. Shudders and shivers I told my niece I had to call it quits for this session on account of my tolerance wearing out for scary stuff. Also went through some panic and withdrawal from a malfunctioning VCR after a brief dose of a power interruption that froze and locked out any control function. Dumb luck solution I did, disconnect it from the outlet for like 2 days. At least I can move back my PS2 to my room with the VCR functioning again. Some day I have, even though slow I call it. Next time. Waves bye and goes back into the doghouse, tired and exhausted with frayed nerves. Camera held limply in hand.