Censored in Silence
*Occasional guzzling of Cherry Coke while typing up this post.* Sunday was a lazy kind of day. I was tempted to go watch Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King, the final installment to the Lord of The Rings. But I was held back on prior experience that this movie would be flooded by the newly anointed masses who became insta-fans for watching this thing but of course, gamers and geeks would know this spectacular series it came from. I would agree with my friend that these people are crazy to think that the books are the adaptation of the movie when the reality of it is, the books predate the movies and was the basis for it. Silly people. Speaking of silly people. My mom was asking about which Blade movie was showing on Channel Seven this Sunday night. Watching the first few minutes clued me in that its the 1st one and I told my mom that. I decided to watch it a bit for the meantime while attending to doing waterboy duties of getting water into the house's storage for the evening. An every-other evening ritual I go through. Anyways, while watching Blade on Channel 7 and expecting the blood shower sequence in the starting part, I was sorely disappointed when it suddenly cuts to Blade standing and the blood shower stopped. Damnit! Kinda much cuts out the usual idea of imagining a Sabbat Dance Club when such skipping happens. What makes it worse was the obvious cuts in the fighting with all that gunfire, slashing and stake usage with attendant ashing effects removed. Gah!!! If they allow some gunfire footage to be shown, they have to mute out the gunshot sounds. These people can literally reduce an action movie into an inanimate mess of moving images and sounds. They keep doing this everytime to any action movie they show on air. What's with these people behind the editting? Its like you have to make the viewers scratch their heads in thought and have them really on their imagination (Defective or not) to fill in the gaps. Sometimes those gaps are very important to understanding the whole story. It would be like tantamount to running a movie without sounds and all you have to go on is your imagination and ability to read responses and such. Believe me, its no picnic. I remembered well enough when me and friend of mine watched "Lost In Space" that the sounds cut out in the first few minutes and it was so crazy that we kinda heckled to fill in our own sound effects as if it was done in Mystery Science Theater 3000. Its just so plain crazy how sloppy editting really guts a movie as storytelling ability vehicle for the sake of censorship. What a ship of fools we are riding if these kind of senseless things go about in spite their claims of doing the common good for all. Retardation is more like it. Anyways, next times post would be more pleasant or sensible to hear. Finishes the can of Cherry Coke. Properly disposes the can. Picks up Camera Obscura and checks it out. Heads back into the doghouse to do more ghostbusting via camera,
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