Revisiting Idea Mines of the Past
Just recently bought this book two weeks ago. A brief browse through got my attention since I have become a distanced fan of the Terran Trade Authority books which I have mentioned in an earlier post listed here. I find it to be an oldie yet goodie to revisit my earlier gaming and idea-making roots based on those books in spite its apparent datedness by current standards for younger generations. Sometimes the occasional kernel of ideas would be unearthed to be used based on the colorful fluff text which fills the pages of the books as well as what's captioned for the colorful pictures in them as well. The occasional idea retread would also come into the picture since some ideas or explanations in them makes some sense or fills in the missing details which are overlooked in the furious idea-mining that we had in our high school years or the vague recollections of the books from browsing them in National Bookstore in our late grade school years. Nonetheless, I just wanted to share the news of my acquisition to my readers and to my fellow fans of the Terran Trade Authority. :)
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