Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Out of Sync

The title of this blog entry pretty much sums up as to how things are going for me as well as my recent purchases have gone.

As to my life it is more about how my sleep cycle is going and how it intersects with whatever free time I have outside of work. It definitely has an impact for an social activity as well.

The other item in conjunction to this is a number of music video DVDs I have purchased these past few weeks. It started off innocuously with the Enya Music Video collection I recently bought where the audio portion doesn't sync well with the video portion as if the audio portion leads by about more half a second or more. This trend followed further to a recent purchase, a collection of 80's music videos, the time lead is a bit less noticeable except for the more familiar and perceptive.

The recent music video DVDs got me affected in terms of timing with my recent outing with Vin and company for a late night round of karaoke till around past 4 AM the following day. Good thing I filed a leave for that Saturday night.

Talk about timing issues which can affect perception of things. Good thing the universe or reality doesn't suffer from this or some serious repercussions can occur. A thought to think over for some fiction piece for sure.

More thoughts to post next time while I still get in tune with life and work.


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