Thursday, January 13, 2005

Slow turnout of posting...

So sorry. Work at a call center has really kept me very much away from thinking of new things to post.

I am a bit of a slow progressive as evidenced now with my current performance at work. Inching away at getting my metrics into the target zone but not closing the gap fast enough.

The Pentium III at home has really turned for the worst, the hard disk connection is disconnected after an attempt by my brother at cleaning out the spyware infestation in the said comp. Looks like some expensive servicing will be called for to get that computer operational and back in performance shape.

The only things tying me up is work, catching up on sleep from work, occasional buying and playing of new PS2 games, buying and watching DVDs and little much else besides eating and some guerilla reading. Online activity is very much close to zero thanks to the inactivity of the computer.

I'll keep you people posted as to what goes along here in the doghouse. Next time.


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