Sunday, August 06, 2006

Blogwriting lapse entry for July? My thought processes got stuck in a distraction loop for some reason. The other reason is that my mind can get affected by the conditions of body as if the reverse of cause and effect of the mind to the body like what the term psycho-somatic means but in reverse.

The last week of July was pretty much a time for me to heal up from a recent outbreak of skin infection on my person that is compounded by excessive skin flaking. Its an unpretty sight but not on the level of being viewed as repulsive like a George Romero zombie or something.

Other concerns were my recent download activities with filesharing protocols Limewire and Bittorrent. I've been downloading comic book scans and PDFs pertaining mostly to particular RPGs, old and new. Effectively my digital archive and library is in constant flux for additions and subsequent transfer to CD-ROMs.

As to my recent skin emergency, it became a crazy idea gestating in my mind for a superhero or sci-fi idea about an unfortunate shmoe who is down on his luck and has his own problems that somehow stumbles upon and uses a nanotech solution . He thinks it to be some newfangled skin medication treatment and later discovers it to imbue with powers that is attributed to his recently treated skin. I was still thinking the angles whether it be in the usual superspy tradition like Jake 2.0, standard superhero of anime/manga level or plain hitech hijinks and destruction like Metal Skin Madox-01 anime of the late 80's. Also trying to figure out the extent of the so-called nanoskin abilities and a catchy codename for him. Another project idea to go into the backburner soon unless it gets implemented with something accesible like a superhero rpg campaign or something.

That's it from my latest blog burst transmission. Next time. Signing off.


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