Another year for this Dog's Life 2005 update
The day is almost over. A memorable day. I've celebrated my 35th birthday for this year. It was a no-fanfare kinda of day, which I am pretty much accustomed too. Lunch here at the Ambrosio house was fine with New York style pizza from Brooklyn Pizza. The remains of it survived for dinner and then no more. Besides pizza, diet soda and my craving for coffee (or is it toffee) crunch cake from Red Ribbon comes to the fore. That's for the food portion of the day.
I went to Megamall to visit my friend Vinnie's shop to talk, get some advise and/or consultations with matters creative as well as the usual sitreps (situation reports)with our high school batch and circle of friends within high school. Picked up my latest fix of NewType USA. I also purchased the latest album of Depeche Mode, titled "Playing The Angel". Me and Vinnie popped it into the CD player to check out the tunes from their latest release. Common agreement is that the group needs more faster beat style or type songs as compared to the slower dragging kinds they've been on of late. The best track in the bunch is "Precious" which I adored from the getgo from watching their music video on late night TV weeks ago. Second best track in the album was Lilian. Lilian was more like a song about a girlfriend who is more trouble than her worth in some dysfunctional relationship.
Vinnie was able to tell me a few things to consider since I'm just entered 35 and since we both know that we're not young as we used to. I need to get focussed more now in order to get things moving on my end. I also have to go about making myself productive and useful after being on sabbatical after my recent departure from the call center job. I still have to play catch up to make the deadline for my Vinnie Dragonfic project. I have to get moving along by getting ideas out of my head and onto paper or data to keep it going and having it materialize by then to make it for the deadline. I would have to go cold turkey on some things I have been preoccupied or addicted with of late. I took his advise of that having plans after one's birthday is like an earlier jump of planning one intends after New Year's day for certain.
Creative consultation was pretty much some q & a on some matters draconic just to cement the ideas for sure while explaining to him a few details of what I have in mind with my dragon piece. Also tossed in some thoughts for some matters regarding the Twilight Empire project's backdrop as well as to characters matters for the sidestory project in the same setting.
I begin to realize that keep some creative spark going I have to act like an creative energy absorpting panel to absorb some of the creative enthusiasm to get me to go with creating things. Of course, in the long run, when things go well in the creative mill, the energy can be self-sustaining but right now its requires jump starting and occasional replenishment.
I'll start getting back on the blog wagon for sure, since I have lost ground in the blog posting front for the past few months. Creative things will pick up for certain along the way.
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