A Most Unconventional Career Guide...
...which one you never thought of after reading it. Its the Adventures of Johnny Bunko which has its own website located here.
I picked it up in a bookstore about 2-3 weeks ago. It caught me eye on account of it being in manga format, which is an unconventional approach to the use dry and tried text in most career advice/counselling books. It basically distills the realities of the job flow and market. The wisdom derived from this book is summed up with these 6 lessons:
1. There is no plan.
2. Think strengths, not weaknesses
3. It's not about you.
4. Persistence trumps talent.
5. Make excellent mistakes.
6. Leave an imprint.
The presentation in the book is rather humorous in presentation and execution. I mean the 1st lesson alone would through off all the well laid career plans off kilter to one who followed their own set paths.
Of course, besides it applications in the career side of things, it would seem to be practical in other matters of life as well. The extent of it is not for me to determine.
Anyways, examine how these lessons would apply to your own life and path and the end result would be yours to steer through or towards.
Thanks for picking up a copy of the book, Mark. I appreciate your telling your readers about it.
Dan Pink
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