Sunday, July 18, 2004

Stumbling Block On The Road to Employment

Start of the week, going about the procurement of papers and things to wrap up my job application to my latest job. Some of the needed documents are present, SSS : Check, TIN: Check, NBI Clearance: Needs Renewal. I need to renew my NBI Clearance since I applied for it back in Nov. 1995, during my initial foray into looking for employment after graduating college then like everyone else.

I had a bad feeling about this renewal business since I figured enough the bureaucratic morass I had to navigate on account of my citizenship that time. Even with those new renewal kiosks that came along with the recent streamlining of the NBI's procedures, I still felt unsure of coming out relieved with this necessary procedure.

After waiting for like 2 hours total, it was my turn and the operator had a hard time having a barcode scanner read the scrambled barcode on my old clearance document. Took 3 times and it went in, sort of. I was subsequently told to report in to the main NBI office to further rectify the problem on my clearance. I had to hold it off till tomorrow since my Dad was busy taking my mom to the hospital for some follow-up consultation I gather after my parents recent medical checkup at the hospital.

The things I do to secure my job application for sure. *Sighs.*


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