Life Signs Present
Whoever reads my blog would have noted lack of any activity since the March 4 entry. This is on account of my being a shut-in for the duration to go about writing up the remainder of my backlog of written stuff promised to a friend of mine. Progress-wise already at rounding up tail end of Episode 5 on my campaign chronicling.
Wasn't able to plug away much text, since I had to be reminded again as to the bulk of backlag I had to do and the amount of text called for. The other matter that crept in was the arrival and temporary stay of my sister for around 2 weeks. She tends to use the comp I log onto the Net for her to check her emails and E-bay items for my brother. Compounded matters is with my niece's preoccupation with the offline version of Ragnarok Online and the occasional use of the comp as a DVD player. No way I would shorten the lifespan of my PS2 for that purpose.
My creativity well is kinda dipping low for now and I haven't been in contact with people of late that can provide me the drive and energy for it. I'll be looking forward to another visit at Vinnie's shop for my latest fix of NewType USA.
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