Sunday, July 08, 2007

Iron Supplements

This post is not a health article post of sorts. This is more in line with my long time admiration of the comic character Iron Man. Went to the recently renovated Advanced Iron fan site and subsequently lead me to its forum board.

I had a blast reading through some its forum threads and posted some replies on it. But the unexpected find in it was this webpage done by comic book artist Bob Layton, located here. Bob Layton was considered to one of the go-to people with regards to Iron Man. It was a hoot looking through Bob Layton's site, it has a quite a few interesting concept art piece throughout his career as Iron Man artist as well as the commissioned piece he did. It was fun to some interesting art piece and concept art.

My handle there at the forum board is GammaGuardsman, a NPC Idea I made back in my high school days when I first saw the Guardsman in the Official Handbook To The Marve l Universe Vol 5 that was in back in 1986 as I recall. I post my reactions and musing on the topics I see on that board. It's a fun place for shellhead fans to be at on the net. :D


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